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A412 LYF Cruella Twilight Rose
Price ฿3,550
Free Delivery in Bangkok and Nonthaburi
Delivery to other provinces, please contact our staff
10 White Roses and 14 Red Roses bouquet, arranged in a striking black and white wrap, tied with a white ribbon. It might remind you of Cruella De Vil, embodies boldness, mystery, and irresistible charm, making it a perfect choice for someone who appreciates distinct and daring elegance.
24 ดอก
Remark: The type of flowers may vary by season, and we will substitute with similar flowers. Flower boxes may also be replaced if out of stock.
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Same-day delivery
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Terms and Conditions
- - The amount and types of flowers and price are subject to change due to seasonality. We reserve the right to change them without prior notice.
- - Please place an order at least 3 hours before the delivery time in order for us to ensure product quality and timely delivery
- - Our messenger will call the recipient in order to make sure that the delivery address is correct. If you would like us to deliver for a surprise, please add a note in the special requirement box.
- - Please recheck your delivery address before placing an order. If you would like to change the delivery address, there will be an additional delivery fee.
- - For the orders placed after 8:00 p.m., the earliest delivery time will be 10:00 am on the following day.